Friday, January 14, 2011

Morning Pages

I found this reading to be interesting. I watch allot of Oprah and she talks about journaling, something I have tried in the past to do but was not too successful. Knowing that it helps to get your feelings out to journal because the little bit I did do proved that to me. I will try to do morning pages because I do think that it will be a great tool and I want to see if it really works! I know that I have trouble sleeping some nights because I am thinking of all the things I have to do the next day or the next week, which makes me wonder if I would also write "evening pages" that it would help me to sleep. In the past I have also discovered that most of my creative ideas come to me at around 3 or 4 in the morning, so I always keep a paper and pencil at my bedside. I enjoyed the reading and will try my best to do my, "morning pages".

1 comment:

  1. A guy named Merlin Mann invented something called "the hipster PDA" - a link here:

    which I have always found super useful, because yes, your best ideas come when you are doing something like shoveling snow. The ability to capture anything at a moments notice is a great feeling. For a long time I kept 3x5 cards in my pocket at a hipster PDA, and it was really powerful. I also found that having 3x5 cards next to my bed with a pen let me jot down the ideas that were keeping me awake. Once they were on paper, my brain settled down and I could sleep peacefully. I just wrote with a pen on the card by feel with the light off - one or two important word on each card. In the morning there would be a pile of great ideas waiting for me to decipher.

    I am glad you see the utility of what Cameron is suggesting. I have a hard time journaling because it requires some self-discipline, which I am not good at. But if you did do daily writings, you would accomplish a couple of things - you would be re-affirming your creativity each day, you would be building up a backlog of ideas, insights and observations, and you would be setting up habits of work and observation that would be helpful as an image maker.
